
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


YiChenCityU starred huanngzh/MV-Adapter
YiChenCityU starred microsoft/TRELLIS
YiChenCityU starred fudan-zvg/IRGS
YiChenCityU starred 0xPlaygrounds/rig
YiChenCityU starred vision-x-nyu/thinking-in-space
YiChenCityU starred ChiSu001/SAT-HMR
YiChenCityU starred zju3dv/EnvGS
YiChenCityU starred pipecat-ai/gemini-webrtc-web-simple
YiChenCityU created a comment on an issue on HCPLab-SYSU/Book-of-MLM

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YiChenCityU opened an issue on HCPLab-SYSU/Book-of-MLM
绝对用chatgpt写了,首先1.看不到作者独到的见解!2.废话连篇,语句不通顺。各个小节之间重复,大章节之间也重复表述3 基础概念没有解释,或者解释不清,不像一本正儿八经的书,像是一个拼凑的博客 太失望了!
YiChenCityU created a comment on an issue on DepthAnything/PromptDA
Very detailed explaination. Thanks alot.

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YiChenCityU starred moonlight-stream/moonlight-qt
YiChenCityU starred prs-eth/Marigold-DC
YiChenCityU starred TencentARC/FreeSplatter
YiChenCityU starred moqiyinlun/HiFi4G_Dataset
YiChenCityU starred SJoJoK/3DGStream
YiChenCityU starred gqk/HiCoM
YiChenCityU starred Aizierjiang/LiveStreaming
YiChenCityU starred brenocq/implot3d
YiChenCityU opened an issue on DepthAnything/PromptDA
Is it possible to fine tune the model with face dataset.
Hi, it's nice work. I wonder is it helpful for face depth estimation if I fine tune it on human face dataset. What is the dataset size should be? Thanks very much.
YiChenCityU starred LIUZhening111/DASS
YiChenCityU starred DepthAnything/PromptDA
YiChenCityU starred Genesis-Embodied-AI/Genesis
YiChenCityU starred ShenhanQian/GaussianAvatars
YiChenCityU opened an issue on SurFhead2025/SurFhead
How to train monocular videos?
Hi, This is a great work. Your readme only explained the way to train Nersemble dataset. Could you provide some information about how to train mono videos?
YiChenCityU starred linyqh/NarratoAI
YiChenCityU starred felixtaubner/cap4d
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