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TylerJaacks pushed 2 commits to main WinDurango-project/WinDurango
  • Implemented Wrapper for CoreApplication and ICoreApplicationResourceAvailabilityX 6f1a7f4
  • Merge pull request #63 from AleBello7276/main Implemented Wrapper for CoreApplication and ICoreApplicationResourceAv... 993f3e0

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TylerJaacks closed a pull request on WinDurango-project/WinDurango
Implemented Wrapper for CoreApplication and ICoreApplicationResourceAvailabilityX
as i said on the Development chat use it as a basis for wrapping CoreWindow, there are still some things missing but I'm too tired to do it now so I'm going to sleep, you need to do the same thing...
TylerJaacks starred cirosantilli/x86-bare-metal-examples
TylerJaacks starred natarii/vrchat-domain-blocklist
TylerJaacks starred UAVXP/LeakNet-SDK
TylerJaacks starred yggdrasil-network/yggdrasil-go
TylerJaacks starred JonathanSalwan/ROPgadget
TylerJaacks starred xoxor4d/p2-rtx
TylerJaacks starred Nevuly/WSL2-Linux-Kernel-Rolling
TylerJaacks starred captainys/FreeTOWNSOS
TylerJaacks starred Planimeter/hl2sb
TylerJaacks starred OldUnreal/UnrealTournamentPatches
TylerJaacks starred BAndysc/AvaloniaVisualBasic6
TylerJaacks starred royalgraphx/LegacyOSXKVM
TylerJaacks starred pelican-eggs/eggs
TylerJaacks starred aerisarn/SDL-uwp-gl
TylerJaacks starred aerisarn/mesa-uwp
TylerJaacks starred googleprojectzero/winafl
TylerJaacks starred MatthewL246/pretendo-docker
TylerJaacks starred koculu/Topaz
TylerJaacks starred Jenova-Framework/J.E.N.O.V.A
TylerJaacks starred CadeEvs/FrostyToolsuite
TylerJaacks starred angelbruni/Geckium
TylerJaacks starred dockur/windows
TylerJaacks starred bluesky-social/feed-generator
TylerJaacks starred vinjn/awesome-d3d12
TylerJaacks starred eug/awesome-opengl
TylerJaacks starred vinjn/awesome-vulkan
TylerJaacks starred dannyfritz/awesome-ray-tracing
TylerJaacks starred Ibuprogames/gamedev-resources
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