Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.
RedRiotTank pushed 44 commits to main RedRiotTank/CC-24-25
- Update ready to pull request 9a6763c
- Added link to my repo Milestone nº1 100b7bc
- Alejandro Rodger 7d98803
- Alexander Collado Rojas - Enlace Hito 1 945c689
- Hito 1 completado - Felipe d6fbb9a
- Update Añadido enlace y versión a mi repositorio fa07e5d
- Update 6e93e41
- Merge branch 'cvillalonga:main' into main ec8faf6
- Update Repository created. Link and version attached. 2d39f3d
- Update 5bad034
- Añado mi repositorio para el Hito 1 c0a6951
- Added Link and Version to 6af245e
- Se adjunta el repositorio del proyecto. 79f6d14
- Merge branch 'cvillalonga:main' into main 8f34fc9
- Merge pull request #20 from RedRiotTank/main add: hito 1- alberto e3e6128
- Merge branch 'main' into main 7f4786e
- Merge pull request #21 from AlfonsoJPH/main Update ready to pull request 6e5f268
- Merge pull request #22 from irenegowh/main Hito 1 - Irene 2cb825b
- Añadido enlace de Ana b27e931
- Añadido enlace de Ana bien 0e86d4e
- and 24 more ...
RedRiotTank pushed 7 commits to master RedRiotTank/wwtshop
- add: command structure + help msg 169851e
- Merge pull request #5 from RedRiotTank/feature/command-structure add: command structure + help msg 0dd96f3
- add: sell interface 0c2ae53
- Merge pull request #7 from RedRiotTank/feature/buysell-interface add: sell interface 9145529
- add: player login & server init WWT 3437787
- Merge pull request #8 from RedRiotTank/feature/web-socket add: player login & server init WWT b8cad52
- Merge pull request #10 from RedRiotTank/develop Commad & sell cbf5c8e
RedRiotTank pushed 15 commits to master RedRiotTank/wwtapi
- add: Item layer architecture 77f179d
- add: item creation and delete 0f7c999
- Merge pull request #8 from RedRiotTank/feature/layer-structure-for-item Feature/layer structure for item 2807fba
- Add: swagger to project f0b5d4c
- Merge pull request #10 from RedRiotTank/doc/add-swagger Add: swagger to project a773c2e
- Add: Item documentation 310ebc0
- Merge pull request #11 from RedRiotTank/feature/layer-structure-for-item Add: Item documentation 3938277
- add: ItemController, ItemService tests 17ad695
- add: CI config 1d0a144
- add: CI config distribution e0d5b52
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into 12-layer-structure-items-tests 3437f6d
- Merge pull request #13 from RedRiotTank/12-layer-structure-items-tests add: Layer structure items tests 8c8adda
- add: user layer structure 8e6fef5
- Merge pull request #14 from RedRiotTank/feature/layer-structure-for-user add: user layer structure 3b9ec2b
- Merge pull request #16 from RedRiotTank/develop CI arch, doc, item sell f891709
RedRiotTank created a repository: RedRiotTank/nmfVSlda - NMF vs LDA comparation for text mining.
RedRiotTank pushed 6 commits to feature/sell-request RedRiotTank/wwtshop
- add: command structure + help msg 169851e
- Merge pull request #5 from RedRiotTank/feature/command-structure add: command structure + help msg 0dd96f3
- add: sell interface 0c2ae53
- Merge pull request #7 from RedRiotTank/feature/buysell-interface add: sell interface 9145529
- add: player login & server init WWT 3437787
- Merge pull request #8 from RedRiotTank/feature/web-socket add: player login & server init WWT b8cad52
RedRiotTank pushed 1 commit to feature/user-item-relation RedRiotTank/wwtapi
- add: Offer Structure a91bb1d
RedRiotTank created a branch on RedRiotTank/wwtshop
feature/sell-request - Minecraft server plugin that gives an UI to trade items between multiples servers.
RedRiotTank pushed 2 commits to develop RedRiotTank/wwtshop
RedRiotTank pushed 14 commits to feature/user-item-relation RedRiotTank/wwtapi
- add: Item layer architecture 77f179d
- add: item creation and delete 0f7c999
- Merge pull request #8 from RedRiotTank/feature/layer-structure-for-item Feature/layer structure for item 2807fba
- Add: swagger to project f0b5d4c
- Merge pull request #10 from RedRiotTank/doc/add-swagger Add: swagger to project a773c2e
- Add: Item documentation 310ebc0
- Merge pull request #11 from RedRiotTank/feature/layer-structure-for-item Add: Item documentation 3938277
- add: ItemController, ItemService tests 17ad695
- add: CI config 1d0a144
- add: CI config distribution e0d5b52
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into 12-layer-structure-items-tests 3437f6d
- Merge pull request #13 from RedRiotTank/12-layer-structure-items-tests add: Layer structure items tests 8c8adda
- add: user layer structure 8e6fef5
- Merge pull request #14 from RedRiotTank/feature/layer-structure-for-user add: user layer structure 3b9ec2b
RedRiotTank created a branch on RedRiotTank/wwtapi
feature/user-item-relation - Rest Api to link minecraft servers with a common database allowing players to trade items.
RedRiotTank pushed 1 commit to feature/layer-structure-for-user RedRiotTank/wwtapi
- add: User err responses modification aa795ea
RedRiotTank pushed 1 commit to feature/web-socket RedRiotTank/wwtshop
- add: player login & server init WWT 3437787