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OzkanBirak created a repository: Code-Brotherhood/Green-Harvest-01
OzkanBirak pushed 1 commit to ozkan Code-Brotherhood/Green_Harvest
- added " padding: 80px 20px;" for mobile view 9714560
OzkanBirak pushed 1 commit to ozkan Code-Brotherhood/Green_Harvest
- removed <br> from the html file and added list-style: none; e50f3ea
OzkanBirak pushed 2 commits to ozkan Code-Brotherhood/Green_Harvest
OzkanBirak pushed 1 commit to ozkan Code-Brotherhood/Green_Harvest
- Dynamic visible items and dynamic screen adoption for css (3 review boxes are done) 8065b6b
OzkanBirak pushed 2 commits to ozkan Code-Brotherhood/Green_Harvest
OzkanBirak pushed 2 commits to ozkan Code-Brotherhood/Green_Harvest
OzkanBirak pushed 1 commit to ozkan Code-Brotherhood/Green_Harvest
- Retina Display Optimization added back again 578b1b1
OzkanBirak pushed 1 commit to ozkan Code-Brotherhood/Green_Harvest
- fine-tuning for reviews css file ab677d6
OzkanBirak pushed 1 commit to ozkan Code-Brotherhood/Green_Harvest
- reviews-description added to HTML and CSS, reviews-list padding, review-item transition 6e975ba
OzkanBirak pushed 1 commit to main Code-Brotherhood/Green_Harvest
- delete images from the main branch daa130b
OzkanBirak pushed 1 commit to ozkan Code-Brotherhood/Green_Harvest
- yorum satırı hatası giderme aee6585