
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


Micoder-dev starred stevdza-san/MessageBar-KMP
Micoder-dev starred stevdza-san/MessageBarCompose
Micoder-dev starred mimoccc/tvapp
Micoder-dev starred aosp-mirror/platform_external_qemu
Micoder-dev starred 2017398956/DynamicIcon
Micoder-dev starred WrBug/DeveloperHelper
Micoder-dev starred WrBug/dumpDex
Micoder-dev starred Tencent/MMKV
Micoder-dev starred 2017398956/ApkProtect
Micoder-dev starred QuadFlask/colorpicker
Micoder-dev starred aimardcr/AndroidNativeGuard
Micoder-dev starred ashishb/android-security-awesome
Micoder-dev starred Solaree/pairipcore
Micoder-dev starred stevdza-san/SpriteView-KMP
Micoder-dev starred jianjiao703/NewBlackbox
Micoder-dev starred reveny/Android-Virtual-Inject
Micoder-dev starred ralphmarondev/compose-world
Micoder-dev starred RavikumarRamesh/hpAndro1337
Micoder-dev starred kikyps/GarudaDefender
Micoder-dev starred zengcanxiang/Android-pack-plugin
Micoder-dev starred walgr/ChannelAndSign
Micoder-dev starred wuchao226/JiaguPlugin
Micoder-dev starred xiazunyang/reinforcer
Micoder-dev starred SebastianCast04/CastleMovies
Micoder-dev created a comment on an issue on timscriptov/diagram-smali-methods `implementation("guru.nidi:graphviz-java:0.18.1")`

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Micoder-dev created a comment on an issue on timscriptov/diagram-smali-methods
What do you mean by PC applications? Can you explain it to me? I don't have any idea. If you share with me what exactly is needed to generate those DOT diagrams, I can do some research to implement...

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Micoder-dev opened an issue on timscriptov/diagram-smali-methods
PHP -> Kotlin
can we bind or convert the php to kotlin within the app?
Micoder-dev starred WaxMoon/opensdk
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