OK, done. Be welcome to ring my bell if you want to give it another try. Oh, and I leave it to you if you want to keep this issue open as reminder :wink:
Thanks for all your efforts and patience...
What shall I say? CONGRATS :partying_face: The new release is RB! So here comes your [welcome toot](https://floss.social/@IzzyOnDroid/113782085495242766):
I tried building the app from source, going by the steps in the workflow:
- sed -r '/signingConfigs.release/d' -i android/app/build.gradle
- git clone -b 3.24.5 https://git...
> This change was included in the release of v1.0.6
Thanks – confirmed, scanner didn't yell on update :star_struck:
> If you encounter any issues, please let me know!
Will do, thanks again...
Sad, but understandable :cry: I wish microG wouldn't have dropped support for local databases (like the one created via OpenCellId) so I could update to that. Unfortunately, he's still focused on M...
> Could you attach one of the apks you output for version 12.4.5 so that I could take a look? I probably won't find anything, but it doesn't hurt.
As the build ran into a timeout, there were no ...
> The FFmpeg stuff has been removed and is now in a separate, optional standalone plugin/app
Does that mean the step of
git clone https://github.com/mikooomich/ffmpeg-android-maker-prebui...
Just a note @XayahSuSuSu: reproducible build for 2.0.6_1 failed today, and I was not able to repair it (some minor differences in `baseline.prof`). I thought it might be a "flaky build" (i.e. a non...
That would not explain the additional files (mostly `res/*.png` and `res/*.html`). Could you provide an APK built with the Github action? I bet that would have the commit hash included, allowing to...
> Another route you may take is "Google Play Integrity API".
Which would cause trouble with apps NOT installed via Play, IIRC. And would mean another proprietary dependency, which should rather ...
As some people were asking, GitSync was [added to IzzyOnDroid](https://apt.izzysoft.de/packages/com.viscouspot.gitsync). Be welcome to [pick a badge](https://gitlab.com/IzzyOnDroid/repo/#if-my-app-...
Hi @pewaru-333, just wanted to let you know that alpha-0.1.13, being built from exactly the commit its tag points to, succeeded as reproducible build :partying_face: Green shield will come up in a ...
At IzzyOnDroid we support [Reproducible Builds](https://reproducible-builds.org/) (see: [Reproducible Builds, special client support and more at IzzyOnDroid](https://android.izzysoft.de/articles/na...
> I'm not really thinking about offloading the build process to some UNIX environment : (
Well, Github actions/workflows come to mind there, or using our [rbtlog](/obfusk/rbtlog) for the case (I...
> In the sense that the folks over at F-Droid were comparing the SHA256 sum
Yeah, guess they picked that idea from our approach (after all, they're using our tools, too). Though we use sha1sum :...
@criticalAY Will we have a chance here, or shall I rather drop it? Seems like development rather went "dormant". No pressure, I just need to know where we stand here.
Oops… That one was built on Windows, so I had to amend the recipe (different line endings with `res/*.html`, `res/*.txt` and `META-INF/services/*`). No big deal, but you'd need to stick with one va...
when I try building v5.0 from source, build fails with
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v7.Java7
at org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.VM...
Cool! So I could e.g. use `pipx` to install it and keep it up-to-date. Also a nice idea with the example repo, even with Github action support. Given the average size of modules being quite moderat...
What if you make a fully FOSS app as you just described, and have the additional parts as addon? I guess that would be the best solution. But yes, a fully FOSS app and a separate "pro" app would wo...
Yeah, those parasites suck. And doing that to a Quran app to me means utter disrespect (I'm tempted to even state blasphemy there, as it contradicts the very principles). You could of course protec...