Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.
IsraelMerlyn pushed 9 commits to qa emanuelhardwell/car-shop
- feat: Update readme aa3824e
- Merge pull request #1 from emanuelhardwell/feat/section01-01 feat: Update readme a7d9f12
- feat: Create docker-compose 533c67c
- Merge pull request #2 from emanuelhardwell/feat/section01-02-docker-compose feat: Create docker-compose 62d71ca
- feat: Config TypeOrmModule 1233a8e
- Merge pull request #3 from emanuelhardwell/feat/section01-03-TypeOrmModule feat: Config TypeOrmModule cf0ad4c
- feat: Create Entity Product and ProductsModule 627275e
- Merge pull request #4 from emanuelhardwell/feat/section01-04-EntityProduct feat: Create Entity Product and ProductsM... c213c8e
- Merge pull request #5 from emanuelhardwell/develop feat: Merge from Develop to Qa 5b2fc87
IsraelMerlyn closed a pull request on emanuelhardwell/car-shop
feat: Merge from Develop to Qa
Merge from Develop to Qa !!IsraelMerlyn pushed 1 commit to isramerlyn IsraelMerlyn/widget_app_flutter
- tasks #0.2 Estructura de carpetas 2cb87f5
IsraelMerlyn pushed 1 commit to main IsraelMerlyn/widget_app_flutter
- tasks #0.1 Levantamiento de la Aplicacion a2644c9
IsraelMerlyn created a repository: IsraelMerlyn/widget_app_flutter
IsraelMerlyn pushed 51 commits to main emanuelhardwell/pokedex-api-v2
- feat: Update docker-compose and install mongodb 9894e12
- Merge pull request #16 from emanuelhardwell/feat/section02-01 feat: Update docker-compose and install mongodb bf96ecc
- feat: Create class HandleError and apply 0d274c0
- Merge pull request #17 from emanuelhardwell/feat/section02-02 feat: Create class HandleError and apply 127104c
- fix: Update method handleErrorService of the class HandleError edec9e4
- Merge pull request #18 from emanuelhardwell/feat/section02-03 fix: Update method handleErrorService of the class Han... ba42627
- feat: Create Service and Controller findOne 36c06fe
- Merge pull request #19 from emanuelhardwell/feat/section02-04 feat: Create Service and Controller findOne fa7bf56
- feat: Create controller and service update Pokemon c09594c
- Merge pull request #20 from emanuelhardwell/feat/section02-05 feat: Create controller and service update Pokemon 44b5e01
- feat: Update handleErrorService with validate of CastError a700106
- Merge pull request #21 from emanuelhardwell/feat/section02-06 feat: Update handleErrorService with validate of CastE... c7845d5
- feat: Create pipe ParseMongoIdPipe efec88b
- Merge pull request #22 from emanuelhardwell/feat/section02-07 feat: Create pipe ParseMongoIdPipe b3fd362
- feat: Create controller and service Pokemon and apply ParseMongoIdPipe edbc4d8
- Merge pull request #23 from emanuelhardwell/feat/section02-08 feat: Create controller and service Pokemon and apply ... 4ed42a8
- feat: Create SeedModule and update AppModule eecc614
- Merge pull request #24 from emanuelhardwell/feat/section02-09 feat: Create SeedModule and update AppModule 001a4bd
- feat: Create Controller Seed and interface PokemonResponse 4af5a53
- Merge pull request #25 from emanuelhardwell/feat/section02-10 feat: Create Controller Seed and interface PokemonResp... 51cf486
- and 31 more ...
IsraelMerlyn closed a pull request on emanuelhardwell/pokedex-api-v2
feat: Merge of Qa to Main
**Merge of Qa to Main !!**IsraelMerlyn pushed 50 commits to qa emanuelhardwell/pokedex-api-v2
- feat: Update docker-compose and install mongodb 9894e12
- Merge pull request #16 from emanuelhardwell/feat/section02-01 feat: Update docker-compose and install mongodb bf96ecc
- feat: Create class HandleError and apply 0d274c0
- Merge pull request #17 from emanuelhardwell/feat/section02-02 feat: Create class HandleError and apply 127104c
- fix: Update method handleErrorService of the class HandleError edec9e4
- Merge pull request #18 from emanuelhardwell/feat/section02-03 fix: Update method handleErrorService of the class Han... ba42627
- feat: Create Service and Controller findOne 36c06fe
- Merge pull request #19 from emanuelhardwell/feat/section02-04 feat: Create Service and Controller findOne fa7bf56
- feat: Create controller and service update Pokemon c09594c
- Merge pull request #20 from emanuelhardwell/feat/section02-05 feat: Create controller and service update Pokemon 44b5e01
- feat: Update handleErrorService with validate of CastError a700106
- Merge pull request #21 from emanuelhardwell/feat/section02-06 feat: Update handleErrorService with validate of CastE... c7845d5
- feat: Create pipe ParseMongoIdPipe efec88b
- Merge pull request #22 from emanuelhardwell/feat/section02-07 feat: Create pipe ParseMongoIdPipe b3fd362
- feat: Create controller and service Pokemon and apply ParseMongoIdPipe edbc4d8
- Merge pull request #23 from emanuelhardwell/feat/section02-08 feat: Create controller and service Pokemon and apply ... 4ed42a8
- feat: Create SeedModule and update AppModule eecc614
- Merge pull request #24 from emanuelhardwell/feat/section02-09 feat: Create SeedModule and update AppModule 001a4bd
- feat: Create Controller Seed and interface PokemonResponse 4af5a53
- Merge pull request #25 from emanuelhardwell/feat/section02-10 feat: Create Controller Seed and interface PokemonResp... 51cf486
- and 30 more ...
IsraelMerlyn closed a pull request on emanuelhardwell/pokedex-api-v2
feat: Merge of Develop to QA
**Merge of Develop to QA !!**IsraelMerlyn pushed 1 commit to main IsraelMerlyn/portaIsraMerlyn
- tasks #1.7 Agregando cambios de experiencia laboral eb3e89b
IsraelMerlyn pushed 27 commits to qa emanuelhardwell/pokedex-api-v2
- feat: Clean project nest 9f89bda
- Merge pull request #1 from emanuelhardwell/feat/sprint01-01 feat: Clean project nest dcbae75
- feat: serve content static 0f57e6d
- Merge pull request #2 from emanuelhardwell/feat/sprint01-02 feat: serve content static 050b4e4
- feat: Configure Global Prefix 559b434
- Merge pull request #3 from emanuelhardwell/feat/sprint01-03 feat: Configure Global Prefix ddf764c
- feat: Create PokemonModule and update AppModule 5d42893
- Merge pull request #4 from emanuelhardwell/feat/sprint01-04 feat: Create PokemonModule and update AppModule e4c5615
- feat: Create PokemonService f79f990
- Merge pull request #5 from emanuelhardwell/feat/sprint01-05 feat: Create PokemonService 110a1e6
- feat: Create PokemonController 44a390d
- Merge pull request #6 from emanuelhardwell/feat/sprint01-06 feat: Create PokemonController 446cd28
- feat: Create template of DTOs and Entity 04c73d8
- Merge pull request #7 from emanuelhardwell/feat/sprint01-07 feat: Create template of DTOs and Entity 7f04d68
- feat: Create yml for dockerize mongoDB 4f5b575
- Merge pull request #8 from emanuelhardwell/feat/sprint01-08 feat: Create yml for dockerize mongoDB a230bb7
- feat: Update readme 85eb5c4
- Merge pull request #9 from emanuelhardwell/feat/sprint01-09 feat: Update readme dffe4a0
- feat: Configure MongooseModule and check connection 0ad7298
- Merge pull request #10 from emanuelhardwell/feat/sprint01-10 feat: Configure MongooseModule and check connection c3fd46c
- and 7 more ...