Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.
DebWit pushed 12 commits to feat/students_orgs DebWit/print_front
- fix: navbar border 83684c0
- fix: navbar other screen text in the center 35833df
- fix: removing carousel indicators 1beca34
- Merge pull request #5 from DebWit/origin/feat/home Origin/feat/home 978f309
- feat: courses responsivity d39e628
- feat: add responsivity to course screen 1e16f85
- Merge pull request #6 from DebWit/feat/cursos-reponsividade Feat/cursos reponsividade 24d3e1b
- feat: add notifications screen 585e1a8
- Merge pull request #7 from DebWit/feat/notifications feat: add notifications screen aaad645
- Tela Entidade - Quase finalizando desenvolvimento 858bd20
- Tela Entidade - adicionar bottombar 8eaa3c1
- Merge branch 'main' into feat/student_org 9a3cdd0
DebWit pushed 1 commit to feat/students_orgs DebWit/print_front
- Tela Entidade - continuação do desenvolvimento 5469a08
DebWit pushed 1 commit to main DebWit/print_front
- Criação da tela evento e alteração no package.json 5122ae9
DebWit pushed 1 commit to main DebWit/S5-Arquitetura-de-Software
- fim da apostila 1 e correções 0ff953f
DebWit pushed 1 commit to main DebWit/S5-Arquitetura-de-Software
- fim da apostila 1 e correções 3223d45
DebWit pushed 1 commit to main DebWit/S5-Arquitetura-de-Software
- correção - inicio do capitulo 2 fb26c79
DebWit pushed 1 commit to main DebWit/S5-Arquitetura-de-Software
- inicio do capitulo 2 - json e60b176