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Caro-26S pushed 13 commits to Caro_branch 11JuanK11/PetCare
- Merge pull request #22 from 11JuanK11/Caro_branch Caro branch efc7258
- HU-04 Add new validation rules for the login form. fb1c520
- HU-01 Update a new styling to the registration form for a better user experience. d19bd7e
- Merge branch 'main' of into JuanK_branch 1e27b52
- Merge pull request #23 from 11JuanK11/JuanK_branch Juan k branch 38a33a9
- HU-04 Delete unnecessary security filters from the configuration. 6552071
- HU-01 Add a custom error page for 403 Forbidden and 404 Not Found 751dca6
- Merge pull request #24 from 11JuanK11/JuanK_branch Juan k branch e6f1796
- SCRUM 37, 38 (Fix) currency format and stock alert 0b4e805
- Merge pull request #25 from 11JuanK11/Sara_branch SCRUM 37, 38 69046c9
- HU-12 (Add) veterinary view 3888d6b
- Merge pull request #26 from 11JuanK11/Sara_branch HU-12 357ed3f
- Refactor treatments Refactor variable for treatments 4ffa493
Caro-26S pushed 6 commits to main 11JuanK11/PetCare
- HU-07 Add(backend): Add new route for edit of clinic staff dff886a
- HU-07 Add(backend): Implement new validation for update in service for clinic staff 86189ec
- HU-07 Add(frontend): Add new color for a dashboard 98b9a43
- HU-03 Refactor(frontend): Refactor conection to a button 9a85263
- HU-07 Add(frontend): Add view en funcionality for edit of clinic staff a1c8a92
- Merge pull request #22 from 11JuanK11/Caro_branch Caro branch efc7258
Caro-26S pushed 10 commits to Caro_branch 11JuanK11/PetCare
- Merge pull request #20 from 11JuanK11/Caro_branch Caro branch f58bbbc
- HU-01 Modify ID generation logic in the User entity. 6643b17
- HU-01 Add new input fields and validation rules to the registration form. efbaaff
- HU-01 Fix bugs for validation logic to check for existing users during registration d3efe8e
- Merge pull request #21 from 11JuanK11/JuanK_branch Juan k branch 1582228
- HU-07 Add(backend): Add new route for edit of clinic staff dff886a
- HU-07 Add(backend): Implement new validation for update in service for clinic staff 86189ec
- HU-07 Add(frontend): Add new color for a dashboard 98b9a43
- HU-03 Refactor(frontend): Refactor conection to a button 9a85263
- HU-07 Add(frontend): Add view en funcionality for edit of clinic staff a1c8a92
Caro-26S pushed 3 commits to main 11JuanK11/PetCare
Caro-26S pushed 5 commits to Caro_branch 11JuanK11/PetCare
- Merge pull request #18 from 11JuanK11/Caro_branch Caro branch 86fcd2f
- HU-18 (Fix) medications requiered fields view 271d4db
- Merge pull request #19 from 11JuanK11/Sara_branch HU-18 a6447ff
- HU-03 Refactor(backend): Refactor variable name 5cdb6f5
- HU-03 Add(frontend): Implement CRUD in js for clinic staff b277e80
Caro-26S pushed 5 commits to main 11JuanK11/PetCare
- HU-03 Add(frontend): Add view for clinic staff 76c49c2
- HU-03 Add(backend): c32a665
- HU-03 Refactor(frontend): Refactor routes for pages navegation abe2f88
- Merge branch 'main' of into Caro_branch fa7c77a
- Merge pull request #18 from 11JuanK11/Caro_branch Caro branch 86fcd2f
Caro-26S pushed 21 commits to Caro_branch 11JuanK11/PetCare
- Merge pull request #15 from 11JuanK11/Caro_branch HU-03 and HU-07 f600f7a
- HU-04 Refactored files related to the admin panel for improved structure and clarity. 947c112
- HU-01 Add a new feature for client registration. 0d58d1c
- HU-04 Add new security filters for enhanced protection to login 6140466
- HU-04 Refactore the routing paths for better navegation. 033d3d4
- Merge branch 'main' into JuanK_branch 2f3bb47
- HU-04 Add new files to indicate upcoming features for clients and clinic staff. 9a7405e
- HU-04 Add security filters that vary according to user roles. 27a6b97
- HU-01 Refactore text and routing for the client registration feature. 079b17d
- HU-04 Add a new home 'coming soon'page for both clients and clinic staff. 4140c42
- HU-04 Add AdminEntity classes to handle authentication with the database. 148de39
- HU-04 Add the feature to allow updating client information. 690e442
- HU-04 Refactor references and role names for clarity in Client and Staff classes. e8f4426
- HU-01 Add new validations for the client registration form. c802731
- Merge pull request #16 from 11JuanK11/JuanK_branch Juan k branch 982dd02
- HU-03 Add(frontend): Add view for clinic staff 76c49c2
- HU-34 Fix(web): Add red asterisks for required fields 3a53c02
- Merge pull request #17 from 11JuanK11/IsaM_branch HU-34 bedc0e7
- HU-03 Add(backend): c32a665
- HU-03 Refactor(frontend): Refactor routes for pages navegation abe2f88
- and 1 more ...
Caro-26S pushed 2 commits to main 11JuanK11/PetCare
Caro-26S closed a pull request on 11JuanK11/PetCare
Add(backend): Implement CRUD in the controller and service for clinic staffCaro-26S opened a pull request on 11JuanK11/PetCare
Add(backend): Implement CRUD in the controller and service for clinic staffCaro-26S pushed 2 commits to Caro_branch 11JuanK11/PetCare
Caro-26S pushed 3 commits to main 11JuanK11/PetCare
Caro-26S created a branch on 11JuanK11/PetCare
Caro_branch - Pet Health and Appointment Management System