
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


Bighead9971 starred Alex313031/Thorium-Android
Bighead9971 starred Asterisk4Magisk/Xray4Magisk
Bighead9971 starred symbuzzer/livebootmodule
Bighead9971 starred feedelphix/telegram_foss_fork
Bighead9971 starred DrKLO/Telegram
Bighead9971 starred osm0sis/AnyKernel3
Bighead9971 created a comment on a pull request on topjohnwu/Magisk
Submitted section lab for 6

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Bighead9971 starred AndroidAudioMods/ViPER4Android
Bighead9971 starred Zackptg5/ViPER4Android-FX-Rootless
Bighead9971 starred ReVanced/revanced-patches