
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


4IK1d starred StacklokLabs/promptwright
4IK1d starred redotvideo/pluto
4IK1d starred dleemiller/WordLlama
4IK1d starred mangiucugna/json_repair
4IK1d starred OrchardUniverse/litchi
4IK1d starred CoatiSoftware/Sourcetrail
4IK1d starred linyq2117/TagCLIP
4IK1d starred alibaba/MNN
4IK1d starred AI4WA/Docs2KG
4IK1d starred obsidianmd/obsidian-releases
4IK1d starred AuvaLab/itext2kg
4IK1d starred TiddlyWiki/TiddlyWiki5
4IK1d starred felixhayashi/TW5-TiddlyMap
4IK1d starred clear-nus/edc
4IK1d starred getzep/graphiti
4IK1d starred minar09/awesome-virtual-try-on
4IK1d starred python-pillow/Pillow
4IK1d opened an issue on muzishen/IMAGDressing
the number "0.18215" in pipeline
Hello, again a detailed question, where can I fined the reference for the number "0.18215", should this be a scaler or so?
4IK1d created a comment on an issue on muzishen/IMAGDressing
> Thank you. You're correct that there are two sqrt operations in the scaling factor in PerceiverAttention. This is not a bug but an intentional design choice aimed at improving numerical stability...

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4IK1d closed an issue on muzishen/IMAGDressing
double sqrt in PerceiverAttention
Hi thanks for you wonderful work in VTON, however, It seem we have `sqrt` twice in `PerceiverAttention`, should this be a bug?
4IK1d starred psf/black
4IK1d starred zh-google-styleguide/zh-google-styleguide
4IK1d opened an issue on muzishen/IMAGDressing
double sqrt in PerceiverAttention
Hi thanks for you wonderful work in VTON, however, It seem we have `sqrt` twice in `PerceiverAttention`, should this be a bug?
4IK1d starred antgroup/echomimic_v2
4IK1d starred antgroup/echomimic
4IK1d starred HelloVision/HelloMeme
4IK1d starred RickySkywalker/Synthesis_Step-by-Step_Official
4IK1d starred bytedance/X-Portrait
4IK1d starred XavierCHEN34/LivePhoto
4IK1d starred x-cls/superclass
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