
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


WeaponSoon created a review on a pull request on torvalds/linux

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WeaponSoon created a review on a pull request on torvalds/linux

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ThisIsHyum starred torvalds/linux
JiaZeShi starred torvalds/linux
NpTIme forked torvalds/linux


VKKKV starred torvalds/linux
SeeleVolleri created a review on a pull request on torvalds/linux

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SeeleVolleri created a review on a pull request on torvalds/linux

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luliqwerty starred torvalds/linux
Agape2077 created a review on a pull request on torvalds/linux

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larryw3i created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
> > The open source world was supposed to be the last place outside of geopolitics. 开源世界本应该成为地缘政治之外的最后一块净土。 > > Repeat that words, when Putin is invaded and attacked in your country. Okay, af...

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chizhang529 created a review on a pull request on torvalds/linux

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xeonds created a review on a pull request on torvalds/linux

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realpg created a review on a pull request on torvalds/linux
Ah? racism?

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xeonds forked torvalds/linux


Licshee created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
> After a few months of reorganizing the open-source contributors, those who had been removed from the Linux contributor list coincidentally gathered together in a Matrix chat. They shared their ex...

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in-serinder created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
After a few months of reorganizing the open-source contributors, those who had been removed from the Linux contributor list coincidentally gathered together in a Matrix chat. They shared their expe...

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Darlince starred torvalds/linux
erfjab starred torvalds/linux
It-is-Sean commented on a commit on torvalds/linux
Trust is the fundation of open source projects, but what linus did totally shattered it.

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Licshee created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
> > 面对大鹅我重拳出击,面对鱿鱼我只字不提。 > > Note: "大鹅" means Russia and Russians, and "鱿鱼" means the Middle Eastern country with a hexagram on its flag and its citizens that you use "China" and "Chinese" inste...

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xuangeyouneihan created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
> 面对大鹅我重拳出击,面对鱿鱼我只字不提。 Note: "大鹅" means Russia and Russians, and "鱿鱼" means the Middle Eastern country and its citizens that you use "China" and "Chinese" instead to imply without directly spell...

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Licshee created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
> You can support Russia or Ukraine, that's fine, but you shouldn't discriminate against the people of any country I used to have a lot of respect for him, But Linus let me down it turns out th...

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AkarinLiu created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux

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lousuo created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
You can support Russia or Ukraine, that's fine, but you shouldn't discriminate against the people of any country I used to have a lot of respect for him, But Linus let me down

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Licshee created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
> > 有个功能叫隐藏,就在编辑旁边。 > > 只能隐藏/编辑/删除自己发的😥可以点开我这一条看看 我的意思是,没必要删除。你前面提议删除也是只能删自己的,不如隐藏。 不过其实意义不大,因为gh这个讨论默认折叠你只能看到最前面几楼和最后几楼,然后显示被隐藏的部分也只能从前面开始……所以与其琢磨删除不如在原主题上多聊聊。

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Butterblock233 created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
> 有个功能叫隐藏,就在编辑旁边。 只能隐藏/编辑/删除自己发的😥可以点开我这一条看看

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larryw3i created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
> I suggest fork this repo to openlinux or truly GNU Linux. And Revoke the linux foundation in the USA or move it to the moon because Switzerland is not a truly neutral country which is under the r...

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Licshee created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
> Как же хорошо Линус вскрыл эту совковую, коммунистическую шваль. Теперь она вот так повылазит и можно ее будет снести. Базованный лидер [The dotCommunist Manifesto, by Eben Moglen](https://mog...

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Apo-Z starred torvalds/linux
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