
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


binary3141 starred torvalds/linux
cwlm starred torvalds/linux
shabesgoi created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
Как же хорошо Линус вскрыл эту совковую, коммунистическую шваль. Теперь она вот так повылазит и можно ее будет снести. Базованный лидер

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yuanjv forked torvalds/linux


Simoffsky starred torvalds/linux
NeufHuang created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux

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Jhxnnat starred torvalds/linux
LTSlw commented on a commit on torvalds/linux
> > > I wouldn't say "well done," it's cruel and necessary. Sorry to Russian bros but fix your country first please. > > > What I find interesting is the number of Chinese people in the comments s...

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cooscode created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
I suggest fork this repo to openlinux or truly GNU Linux. And Revoke the linux foundation in the USA or move it to the moon because Switzerland is not a truly neutral country which is under the rul...

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Licshee created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
> Guess what? I have Xiaomi, Huawei, iPhone, and Windows Phones, nothing happened. ![image](

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neko-side forked torvalds/linux


Licshee created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
> > ![image](

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YouLii starred torvalds/linux
YouLii starred torvalds/linux
Licshee created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
> 不踢走饿螺蛳间谍,留着他们往内核里放木马,危害自由世界吗? 那应该把美国开发者移除才对,毕竟美国已经这么干好多次了。哦,你可能不知道,因为你只知道传教士告诉你的东西 。

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javajuicer starred torvalds/linux
YongHwan2161 starred torvalds/linux
19373759 starred torvalds/linux
mattsunkun starred torvalds/linux
mexomagno starred torvalds/linux
astueclever starred torvalds/linux
AtaraxiaEpiphany starred torvalds/linux
Licshee created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
> > Good news: _ACCOUNT DELETED_, we will not receive from this guy any more. > > may be it's wise to remove comments about him. It can help us concentrate the topic 有个功能叫隐藏,就在编辑旁边。

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lx78WyY0J5 starred torvalds/linux
Licshee created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
> > Good news: _ACCOUNT DELETED_, we will not receive from this guy any more. > > 打也打不尽,杀也杀不完,哥们我睡了一觉起来发现还在吵,这种脑子不灵清的看来挺多。 没,整个楼里就他这么一个一直在胡搅蛮缠。 当然,我得承认也有责任——戳破了他在楼里伪装成谈吐随和温文尔雅的君子来”好言相劝“的事情...

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yhshzh commented on a commit on torvalds/linux
fxxk u🖕

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joaquin-alejandro starred torvalds/linux
agoudbg created a review on a pull request on torvalds/linux

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Licshee created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
> > The open source world was supposed to be the last place outside of geopolitics. 开源世界本应该成为地缘政治之外的最后一块净土。 > > Repeat that words, when Putin is invaded and attacked in your country. nice try

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CJYKK created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
> > The open source world was supposed to be the last place outside of geopolitics. 开源世界本应该成为地缘政治之外的最后一块净土。 > > Repeat that words, when Putin is invaded and attacked in your country. I believe th...

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