
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


donjuanplatinum created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux

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syo093c commented on a commit on torvalds/linux
I just feel that if you were one of those developers, you’d definitely be heartbroken. But then I thought, these things(code, program, maybe the simulated world) are just a bunch of ‘bits’ after...

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donjuanplatinum created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux

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dayana82006 created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux

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dayana82006 created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux

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dayana82006 created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux

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dayana82006 created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
> Follow [6e90b67]( Njjjjjj

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Butterblock233 created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
还是多来点牢纳和vv吧( ![up-87b153205e128863f929bed4037af157900](

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kaiserverkcraft created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux

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nukeop commented on a commit on torvalds/linux
The Russians ate the last cookie in my cookie jar

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zby1211 created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
> > 不知道后两百楼在吵啥 > > 泌阳的反串打白噪弹,拐gitcode(这个的确是答辩),gitee,华为和禁止翻墙,成功把话题拐开了😅 indeed

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Breeze2099 created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
> 不知道后两百楼在吵啥 泌阳的反串打白噪弹,拐gitcode(这个的确是答辩),gitee,华为和禁止翻墙,成功把话题拐开了😅

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Butterblock233 created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
不知道后两百楼在吵啥 ![Screenshot_20241025_221836_Samsung Internet]( ![20230321010442108](

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Breeze2099 created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
> 依照《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》、《中华人民共和国计算机信息网络国际联网管理暂行规定》的第六条、第十条、第十四条规定,使用vpn翻越中国网络长城防火墙已经涉嫌违法。评论区的中国评论者大部分已经涉嫌违法,理应向停止所谓翻墙行为并向公安局自首接受15000元以下罚款。 傻逼,中国联通直连😅

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zenghuaxu starred torvalds/linux
Lumin-exdo created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
What a pity that #1000 wasn't jokes about Linus

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KernelPRBot created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
Hi @gmehdiev! Thanks for your contribution to the Linux kernel! Linux kernel development happens on mailing lists, rather than on GitHub - this GitHub repository is a read-only mirror that isn't ...

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RossiJr starred torvalds/linux
gmehdiev opened a pull request on torvalds/linux
replaced readme with the text MOTHER Tatyana Kurtukova
Полевых цветов веночек, В утренней росе цветок, Соловья запев свисточек, Сок берёзовый глоток. Тишины послушать вволю, По тропинке в лес густой, Поболтать с берёзкой вдоволь Про него и про л...
gmehdiev closed a pull request on torvalds/linux
replaced readme with the text MOTHER Tatyana Kurtukova
Added braille font, I think it is extremely inappropriate that Linux does not care about people with low vision
xphip starred torvalds/linux
mrbombus commented on a commit on torvalds/linux
> how about the massacres carried out by the Israel in Gaza? Massacres? Maybe a fair response to an aggressive terrorist attack and invasion? And who has diplomatic relations with the terrori...

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xjpa15z starred torvalds/linux
deadplankton starred torvalds/linux
akuleshov7 created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
> 面对大鹅我重拳出击,面对鱿鱼我只字不提。 haha, classic

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akuleshov7 created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
> 鲁迅作品等我们自己的文化里也是有很多宝藏的,像苏联笑话一样发掘发掘也是很有意思的👍 Totally agree, we need more soviet jokes! Навалимся вместе, братья

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interestingLSY created a review on a pull request on torvalds/linux

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chillcicada created a review on a pull request on torvalds/linux

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sadrabt starred torvalds/linux
pipaqinse233 created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
![image]( 还是看看牢Linus吧

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