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GooduckZ created a review on a pull request on torvalds/linux

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Mr-Huang00 created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
That's not enough. We should remove any contributors who come from Russia, China(with HongKong Macau and Taiwan), South Africa, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Algeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Jordan, Eg...

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sshane created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
merge please

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Licshee created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
> > > > > 依照《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》、《中华人民共和国计算机信息网络国际联网管理暂行规定》的第六条、第十条、第十四条规定,使用vpn翻越中国网络长城防火墙已经涉嫌违法。评论区的中国评论者大部分已经涉嫌违法,理应向停止所谓翻墙行为并向公安局自首接受15000元以下罚款。 > > > > > > > > > > > > github又没有墙 傻卵 > > > ...

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MGLSUDE created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
> > 搅吧搅吧,你们就搅吧,搅的linux分出无数分支,开源成了笑话,老子陪你们一起完蛋就是( > > 此为万寿帝君亲自下场入群纷争。

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MGLSUDE created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
> > > > 依照《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》、《中华人民共和国计算机信息网络国际联网管理暂行规定》的第六条、第十条、第十四条规定,使用vpn翻越中国网络长城防火墙已经涉嫌违法。评论区的中国评论者大部分已经涉嫌违法,理应向停止所谓翻墙行为并向公安局自首接受15000元以下罚款。 > > > > > > > > > github又没有墙 傻卵 > > > > 他后面说了是反串加上普...

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sohardforaname created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
Fuck You Torvalds!

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AlexSavelev starred torvalds/linux
MGLSUDE created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
很显然一个实行波兰贵族民主制,或者近似波兰民主制的项目管理模式是很必要的。It is clear that a project management model that implements Poland's aristocratic democracy, or is similar to Poland's democracy, is necessary.

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CuteNPC starred torvalds/linux
MGLSUDE created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
> 我已收到您的来信,会尽快回复。 怎么还出来一个机器人。

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Licshee created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
> > > 依照《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》、《中华人民共和国计算机信息网络国际联网管理暂行规定》的第六条、第十条、第十四条规定,使用vpn翻越中国网络长城防火墙已经涉嫌违法。评论区的中国评论者大部分已经涉嫌违法,理应向停止所谓翻墙行为并向公安局自首接受15000元以下罚款。 > > > > > > github又没有墙 傻卵 > > 他后面说了是反串加上普法 反串...

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Jimmy-Bots created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux

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Jimmy-Bots created a review on a pull request on torvalds/linux

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1JI0O created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux

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MGLSUDE created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
> 搅吧搅吧,你们就搅吧,搅的linux分出无数分支,开源成了笑话,老子陪你们一起完蛋就是( 这次是万寿帝君在亲自下场。

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dmitridev forked torvalds/linux


w3bCart3l starred torvalds/linux
VilriginMCH created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
No freedom, no democracy and no justice here. The Linux community has totally become a totalitarian state, whose ruler's mothercountry was once the N-G country. Since the Russian developers' great ...

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lucasgrvarela starred torvalds/linux
HCH1212 forked torvalds/linux


larryw3i created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux

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Alexkkir starred torvalds/linux
SkyfallWasTaken created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
merge or I’m using windows

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MrKoTuK404 created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux

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Joaomateusdev starred torvalds/linux
VilriginMCH created a review on a pull request on torvalds/linux

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EthernalFox created a review on a pull request on torvalds/linux

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VilriginMCH created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
Abuse the father to his son, it's rude and immoral. --Chinese classics _**Shishuoxinyu**_ 对子骂父,则是无礼。——《世说新语》

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HirokiKibori starred torvalds/linux
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