
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


JiakunShuai created a review on a pull request on torvalds/linux

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Manuel-filho starred torvalds/linux
bytesex commented on a commit on torvalds/linux
One day the author @gregkh will be kicked out of the community too for some reason. For example, he won't like licking Kamala's ass or sucking Trump's dick. And thus thats will be done "due to...

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directorhorse starred torvalds/linux
JiakunShuai created a review on a pull request on torvalds/linux

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Henvy-Mango created a review on a pull request on torvalds/linux

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Junya23 forked torvalds/linux


Junya23 starred torvalds/linux
vyzaq commented on a commit on torvalds/linux
> **CANNOT SEE ANY PERCENT OF OPEN SOURCE MIND** Hey, what happened in Tiananmen Square?

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C-snaky starred torvalds/linux
misha99fr commented on a commit on torvalds/linux
if u want to delete a mention of russian devs, then delete the things, that they made iƈ code

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misha99fr commented on a commit on torvalds/linux
Linus torwalds moment

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wuye9036 commented on a commit on torvalds/linux
fk u

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bogdanprodanj commented on a commit on torvalds/linux
> > I wouldn't say "well done," it's cruel and necessary. Sorry to Russian bros but fix your country first please. > > What I find interesting is the number of Chinese people in the comments secti...

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pecanjk starred torvalds/linux
rkh00 starred torvalds/linux
PineSongCN created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
đŸ‘đŸ»đŸ‘đŸ»đŸ‘đŸ» Destroying open source starts with Linus.

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changmen1 starred torvalds/linux
lumingzh created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
I suggest REMOVE all Israelite from the earth. So linus, FUCK YOU!

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DevOps-spb-ru forked torvalds/linux


GiveMeOneLastKiss created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux

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Adrakir forked torvalds/linux


Estrella-Explore created a review on a pull request on torvalds/linux
Linus has put an end to an era of open source

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BalaM314 starred torvalds/linux
mua-haha created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
The sound of crash

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FrankHB commented on a commit on torvalds/linux
Rebase without annoying commits, `fcntl(whatever_BDFL, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC | ...)`, and go forking ahead. Notice you will always need some permissions to throwing the garbage away.

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PineSongCN created a comment on a pull request on torvalds/linux
Destroy open source. ![image](

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y-fujita-swe starred torvalds/linux
jojohao-code forked torvalds/linux


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