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nninyeong closed a pull request on nninyeong/challenge-b
라이브러리 설치, 초기 세팅
## ✅ 작업 사항 - 라이브러리 설치 - package.json 커밋 추가 - 구글로그인 설정
vercel[bot] created a comment on a pull request on nninyeong/challenge-b
[vc]: #bV+gGR3bKRW8QMd5+qe6WlOfbJjVVtkrAd/CB4hPgmE=:eyJpc01vbm9yZXBvIjp0cnVlLCJ0eXBlIjoiZ2l0aHViIiwicHJvamVjdHMiOlt7Im5hbWUiOiJjaGFsbGVuZ2UtYiIsInJvb3REaXJlY3RvcnkiOm51bGwsImluc3BlY3RvclVybCI6Imh0d...

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nninyeong opened a pull request on nninyeong/challenge-b
라이브러리 설치, 초기 세팅
## ✅ 작업 사항 - 라이브러리 설치 - package.json 커밋 추가 - 구글로그인 설정
nninyeong pushed 1 commit to develop nninyeong/challenge-b
  • add: 라이브러리 설치 (react-hook-form, zod, papaparse) f6da2b5

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nninyeong pushed 1 commit to develop nninyeong/challenge-b
  • feat: google 로그인 설정 9f6edf7

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nninyeong pushed 1 commit to develop nninyeong/challenge-b
  • fix: 불필요한 주석 제거 및 prettier 설정 적용 fd918e6

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nninyeong pushed 1 commit to develop nninyeong/challenge-b
  • add: package.json 외 설정 파일들 추가 f0275f8

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nninyeong added sHyunis to nninyeong/challenge-b
nninyeong added hansub1n to nninyeong/challenge-b
nninyeong added lukby2457 to nninyeong/challenge-b
nninyeong created a branch on nninyeong/challenge-b


nninyeong pushed 2 commits to main nninyeong/challenge-b
  • add: 초기 세팅, 라이브러리 설치 86f2dd9
  • remove: 사용하지 않는 import 제거 85e2f96

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nninyeong created a repository: nninyeong/challenge-b

nninyeong created a branch on nninyeong/challenge-b
