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grymmjack created a comment on an issue on mkrueger/icy_tools
Hrmm well it looks right with 9px font but when i disable 9px font it's wrong: <img width="1145" alt="Image" src="" /...

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grymmjack created a comment on an issue on mkrueger/icy_tools
It's awesome, please make make it work in icy view, the preview etc. I love this feature.

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grymmjack opened an issue on mkrueger/icy_tools
icy_draw - - Open pack, do nothing else, cancel viewer, the work still opens in a new tab.
Just as it says. 1. File -> Open 2. 3. 1996 4. acdu0196 5. selects the topmost file do nothing else no more input 6. hit cancel 7. file that was highlighted still opens in icy draw tab
grymmjack opened an issue on mkrueger/icy_tools
icy_draw - MacOS Monterrey 12.7.6 - 9px font dithers incorrect loading from 16c, but fine with .icy save
There is something wrong with the way the dither patterns are rendered. I have changed my resolution, made sure it is 100% view mode, etc. CRT filter disabled... <img width="1911" alt="Image" src...
mkrueger pushed 1 commit to master mkrueger/icy_tools
  • Made rip number conversion public. 19279c9

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mkrueger pushed 1 commit to master mkrueger/icy_tools
  • Made rip commands public. needed for icy_board. 8a1281d

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grymmjack created a comment on an issue on mkrueger/icy_tools
Here is the extra credit for polyform fill/contour fill drawing tool:

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grymmjack opened an issue on mkrueger/icy_tools
icy_draw - Could we have a polygonal line and polygonal fill tool?
See this video. TL;DR: how it works. For polygonal line: 1. Left click = start drawing. Automatically is making a rubber band when you move the mouse to draw out a line (don't need to drag). 2. ...
hellocodelinux created a comment on an issue on mkrueger/icy_tools
All good, and once again, thank you! I'm part of the SysOp group for FidoNet Zone 4, and many SysOps here use Icy Draw, Term, and View. There's always a user base, especially among those of us ove...

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mkrueger created a comment on an issue on mkrueger/icy_tools
Missed to add the filter to minimap :). This is one of the things I really don't if they're useful at all but had implemented some basic filters for icy_term. I'm really not good at shader progra...

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mkrueger created a comment on an issue on mkrueger/icy_tools
The things not only apply to linux. Will look at the stuff. What annoys me most is the cut/copy/paste thing atm there is not a good solution to it - the ui lib I use broke a bit they're trying to ...

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grymmjack opened an issue on mkrueger/icy_tools
icy_view - Could we have same setup/colors/shaders in icy_view as we do in icy draw?
I really really really love the shader with the scanlines and stuff. It's so great! It would be great to have this in icy view too! Thanks
grymmjack opened an issue on mkrueger/icy_tools
Custom "Color" for Settings / Shader?
Is it possible to add a feature to allow us to pick a custom color for the settings/shader stuff? My thinking is that while the default choices are great, it's possible some folks would like to tw...
grymmjack opened an issue on mkrueger/icy_tools
Can you add shader and colors to the preview pane?
![Image]( Maybe not curve, but the others, and color? Currently it is not present. Also the title is icy view when ...
Android8675 starred mkrueger/icy_tools
hellocodelinux opened an issue on mkrueger/icy_tools
Suggestions and Feedback for Icy Draw on Linux
The latest update is excellent. However, I noticed a few things that could be improved: Context Menu for Selection: When selecting an element, it should be possible to right-click to bring up a me...
mkrueger created a tag on mkrueger/icy_tools

IcyDraw0.3.4 - A collection of ansi/bbs related applications

mkrueger published a release on mkrueger/icy_tools
IcyDraw 0.3.4
Small service release: * Fixed a focusing bug * Drawing circle now works from the middle (hold ctrl for the old behavior) * Alt+B + caret selection now supported in the click tool
mkrueger pushed 1 commit to master mkrueger/icy_tools
  • IcyDraw: Alt+B now enters selection mode. Selection can now be alterd with movement keys. c693100

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hellocodelinux created a comment on an issue on mkrueger/icy_tools
Thank Mike for the changes made. I tested them, and they work perfectly.

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RichardJohnn starred mkrueger/icy_tools
mkrueger created a comment on an issue on mkrueger/icy_tools
Changed the behavior - it's now drawn in center mode by default. (Looked at moebuis) With pressing ctrl that can be switched. ty - didn't consider/thought about drawing from center.

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mkrueger pushed 1 commit to master mkrueger/icy_tools
  • Ellipse is now drawn in center mode. + Control uses the old mode Fixes #53 26d6bf1

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mkrueger closed an issue on mkrueger/icy_tools
suggestion IcyDraw
I appreciate your work on IcyDraw. I have a suggestion to enhance the circle drawing tool: allowing circles to expand from the center, perhaps by pressing 'Ctrl' while dragging. This approach enabl...
mkrueger created a comment on an issue on mkrueger/icy_tools
Sure should be easy to add :).

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mkrueger created a comment on an issue on mkrueger/icy_tools
Y saw that in the release version :(. I've updated teh 0.3.3 builds - can you try to reinstall?

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mkrueger closed an issue on mkrueger/icy_tools
icy_draw cursor movement with arrow keys selects UI elements
When drawing with the cursor tool, using the arrow keys will move the cursor then the cursor will disappear. It seems to be selecting UI elements as I can manage to select the top menu items (File,...
hellocodelinux opened an issue on mkrueger/icy_tools
suggestion IcyDraw
I appreciate your work on IcyDraw. I have a suggestion to enhance the circle drawing tool: allowing circles to expand from the center, perhaps by pressing 'Ctrl' while dragging. This approach enabl...
IllegalLeft opened an issue on mkrueger/icy_tools
icy_draw cursor movement with arrow keys selects UI elements
When drawing with the cursor tool, using the arrow keys will move the cursor then the cursor will disappear. It seems to be selecting UI elements as I can manage to select the top menu items (File,...
mkrueger pushed 1 commit to master mkrueger/icy_tools
  • Fixed focus issue in icy_term. 79837b8

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