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leaandredev pushed 4 commits to feature/rentalapi leaandredev/P3-RentalApi
leaandredev closed a pull request on leaandredev/P3-RentalApi
[AF-119] : OpenAPI Documentation
- Annotations in ENGLISH - user Documentation interface - ApiResponse Error documentation in GlobalExceptonHandlernotion-workspace[bot] created a comment on a pull request on leaandredev/P3-RentalApi
[7️⃣ Étape 7 : Documentez avec Swagger en Anglais](
leaandredev opened a pull request on leaandredev/P3-RentalApi
[AF-119] : OpenAPI Documentation
- Annotations in ENGLISH - user Documentation interface - ApiResponse Error documentation in GlobalExceptonHandlerleaandredev pushed 1 commit to us/AF-119 leaandredev/P3-RentalApi
- [AF-119] : ApiResponse Error documentation in GlobalExceptionHandler dd6809b
leaandredev pushed 1 commit to us/AF-119 leaandredev/P3-RentalApi
- [AF-119] : use Documentation interface 99887e0