
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


Harrylever starred infinitered/reactotron
3000-2 starred infinitered/reactotron
prafullkotecha starred infinitered/reactotron
19920716 starred infinitered/reactotron
Shadock starred infinitered/reactotron
michaelgira23 starred infinitered/reactotron
macintoshpie starred infinitered/reactotron
Artem2001S created a comment on an issue on infinitered/reactotron
@luopeihai Can you explain how do you fix the problem ? It didn't help for me to upgrade version of metro-react-native-babel-preset

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filipef101 created a comment on an issue on infinitered/reactotron
This can be closed, altough this change is one of my gripes with reactotron, defaulting to homescreen is useless

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filipef101 created a comment on an issue on infinitered/reactotron
Does it happen on v2 too? I notice too, also if I wait for "onConnect" its the same, only a second or so after tron init are sent logs visible

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priyankt3i starred infinitered/reactotron
fadookie starred infinitered/reactotron
yurimutti starred infinitered/reactotron
Rymez2K starred infinitered/reactotron
Balthazar33 created a comment on an issue on infinitered/reactotron
> `ignoreUrls: /(symbolicated|localhost:8081|generate_204)/,` @hugows What does this do?

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Balthazar33 starred infinitered/reactotron
CaptainJeff created a comment on an issue on infinitered/reactotron
Same error. Works on android and ios simulator but not actual iphone device

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SergiuAndreiV starred infinitered/reactotron
kulom001 starred infinitered/reactotron
ikimiler starred infinitered/reactotron
berhanserin starred infinitered/reactotron
FlorianFeka starred infinitered/reactotron
poettl starred infinitered/reactotron
tivaduk starred infinitered/reactotron
not-scripter starred infinitered/reactotron
kyoji2 starred infinitered/reactotron
Bang-tv259 starred infinitered/reactotron
thomas-rx starred infinitered/reactotron
emredogramaci starred infinitered/reactotron
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