
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


jiwomdf starred infinitered/reactotron
surajb0710 starred infinitered/reactotron
joshuayoes pushed 1 commit to frankcalise/fix-1513 infinitered/reactotron

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joshuayoes pushed 1 commit to frankcalise/fix-1513 infinitered/reactotron

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joshuayoes pushed 1 commit to frankcalise/fix-1513 infinitered/reactotron
  • Use TurboModuleRegistry.get("DevMenu") a2a950d

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frankcalise pushed 1 commit to frankcalise/fix-1513 infinitered/reactotron
  • fix(example-app): proper call d101aaf

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morganick created a comment on a pull request on infinitered/reactotron
@yurik256 I'm good with putting it after the URL. I'd love to update the design of the timeline to accommodate for things like this. It gets lost a bit either way, but I agree that after is easier ...

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yurik256 created a comment on a pull request on infinitered/reactotron
> @yurik256 thanks for the contribution! Do you have the time to make the requested changes by Nick? If not let us know and we can try to bring it up to speed. @frankcalise thanks for following ...

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frankcalise created a comment on a pull request on infinitered/reactotron
@yurik256 thanks for the contribution! Do you have the time to make the requested changes by Nick? If not let us know and we can try to bring it up to speed.

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frankcalise opened a pull request on infinitered/reactotron
fix(reactotron-react-native): only set DevMenu when in __DEV__
## Please verify the following: - [ ] `yarn build-and-test:local` passes - [ ] I have added tests for any new features, if relevant - [ ] `` (or relevant documentation) has been updat...
frankcalise created a branch on infinitered/reactotron

frankcalise/fix-1513 - A desktop app for inspecting your React JS and React Native projects. macOS, Linux, and Windows.

bradstiff created a comment on an issue on infinitered/reactotron
> same here, this link may help [facebook/react-native#47193 (comment)]( The patch resolved the issue for me with RN...

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Akatroj created a comment on an issue on infinitered/reactotron
I am still running into this issue. I fixed it with the following patch:

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SergioCasallas starred infinitered/reactotron
sa-tasche starred infinitered/reactotron
nathan2slime starred infinitered/reactotron
Ajaymaurya1008 starred infinitered/reactotron
meshboy88 starred infinitered/reactotron
edgarroman starred infinitered/reactotron
cesardeazevedo created a comment on an issue on infinitered/reactotron
Fixed by adding this to vite.config.ts ``` ... define: { global: {}, } ... ```

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slowbear starred infinitered/reactotron
J-Ymini starred infinitered/reactotron
J-Ymini starred infinitered/reactotron
jesusgoku starred infinitered/reactotron
Shasikhan starred infinitered/reactotron
azadsarxanli starred infinitered/reactotron
omar-toma starred infinitered/reactotron
quanhieu starred infinitered/reactotron
Wmmeng starred infinitered/reactotron
zachary starred infinitered/reactotron
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