
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


matula starred infinitered/reactotron
EricReiche starred infinitered/reactotron
chideraike starred infinitered/reactotron
depsimon starred infinitered/reactotron
sazanik starred infinitered/reactotron
edglz starred infinitered/reactotron
dougg0k opened an issue on infinitered/reactotron
Outdated AUR package
### Describe the bug Hi, Could you update the AUR package, or if it's not official from you, can provide an updated version? Both versions are ou...
denis-remitly opened a pull request on infinitered/reactotron
Export timeline log feature
## Please verify the following: - [x] `yarn build-and-test:local` passes - [x] I have added tests for any new features, if relevant - [x] `` (or relevant documentation) has been updat...
bemulima starred infinitered/reactotron
DeepakM02 created a comment on an issue on infinitered/reactotron
@morganick I just tried to edit the config file and after that i tried to reinstall the Reactotron App but nothing worked. is there any fixes for this?

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DeepakM02 created a comment on an issue on infinitered/reactotron
@LeticiaFarias How did you resolve this? is there any fix please share the solution. I did the same and getting same issue.

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minimalknave127 starred infinitered/reactotron
jrymer created a comment on an issue on infinitered/reactotron
Was this ever fixed or are we all just `@ts-ignore`ing this still. I am still seeing this error on 5.1.12.

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akasvi starred infinitered/reactotron
fkatada forked infinitered/reactotron


nh-99 starred infinitered/reactotron
salarshad starred infinitered/reactotron
XITE-Hubert starred infinitered/reactotron
DeepakM02 opened an issue on infinitered/reactotron
Reactotron crashes on open in version 3.7.4 ( on MacBook M1 Pro
### Describe the bug Reactotron crashes immediately upon opening. This happens during the development of a React Native Android app. The crash seems to be related to my system configuration, and I...
robinheinze closed an issue on infinitered/reactotron
Feature: Initial screen should be the Home screen
For some reason Reactotron opens to the Timeline. Instead, it should open to Home. <img src="" width=...
dtalbot-goto created a comment on an issue on infinitered/reactotron
Hi, I'm experiencing same issue. Did you find a solution yet ?

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Fahrni starred infinitered/reactotron
marandaneto starred infinitered/reactotron
camilossantos2809 opened a pull request on infinitered/reactotron
Show Redux Store Differences Triggered by Actions
## Please verify the following: - [x] `yarn build-and-test:local` passes - [x] I have added tests for any new features, if relevant - [ ] `` (or relevant documentation) has been updat...
FelipeMartinsFrudeli starred infinitered/reactotron
ihsanktmr starred infinitered/reactotron
yyozgyur-wyn starred infinitered/reactotron
AndyPendragon starred infinitered/reactotron
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