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alx-alexpark created a review comment on a pull request on hackclub/dns
Don't forget the trailing dot! ```suggestion value: ```
alx-alexpark created a review on a pull request on hackclub/dns
Your verification record should not replace your site's CNAME record. Scroll up in the file to see other examples of how they used verified their github pages deployments. You should have both the ...
Acidicts opened a pull request on hackclub/dns
<!-- This is a template, please modify it to fit your Pull Request. Please pick one option when multiple are presented in brackets. Please title your PR like this: [Adding/Deleting/Updating...alx-alexpark closed a pull request on hackclub/dns
<!-- This is a template, please modify it to fit your Pull Request. Please pick one option when multiple are presented in brackets. Please title your PR like this: [Adding] `subdomain.[ha...Acidicts opened a pull request on hackclub/dns
<!-- This is a template, please modify it to fit your Pull Request. Please pick one option when multiple are presented in brackets. Please title your PR like this: [Adding] `subdomain.[ha...grymmy created a comment on a pull request on hackclub/dns
> document this somewhere :p well let's see if it actually even works rn not sure if I'm following strong precedent heh
Muirrum pushed 1 commit to main hackclub/dns
- Fix hackstone ssl issues (#1445) * trying to fix dns properly * add period 56370bc
Muirrum closed a pull request on hackclub/dns
Fix hackstone ssl issues
Was getting ssl errors - seen that on other similar deployment, one should create a new domain w/in heroku and bind it like this.Muirrum created a review on a pull request on hackclub/dns
document this somewhere :p
grymmy opened a pull request on hackclub/dns
This seems to be how at least one other service was set up
Was getting ssl errors - seen that on other similar deployment, one should create a new domain w/in heroku and bind it like this.crabby605 opened a pull request on hackclub/dns
Added a subdomain of mine <!-- This is a template, please modify it to fit your Pull Request. Please pick one option when multiple are presented in brackets. Please title your PR like th...Firepup6500 created a comment on a pull request on hackclub/dns
> Are you not changing the IPv6 IP? No, that's an entirely different system, which hasn't changed IPs
alx-alexpark created a comment on a pull request on hackclub/dns
You added a commit before closing the PR
Kaympe20 created a comment on a pull request on hackclub/dns
@alx-alexpark Working on the bakebuild site rn. How did you know about it?
alx-alexpark created a comment on a pull request on hackclub/dns
Sorry for the late merge here, I didn't see that the check was stuck on awaiting approval because I was using the new beta merge dialogue.
alx-alexpark pushed 1 commit to main hackclub/dns
- Add the ASW hack club from Silverflag's vps IP (#1437) * Add the ASW hack club from Silverflag's vps IP * Update ha... f9c0d3c