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github-advanced-security[bot] created a review comment on a pull request on complexdatacollective/network-canvas-monorepo
## Incomplete multi-character sanitization This string may still contain [../](1), which may cause a path injection vulnerability. [Show more details](
github-advanced-security[bot] created a review on a pull request on complexdatacollective/network-canvas-monorepo
vercel[bot] created a comment on a pull request on complexdatacollective/network-canvas-monorepo
[vc]: #1ofRwKZaT/sKMMckufPxkz9CLbcwnM8+gEyXvsa2nOg=:eyJpc01vbm9yZXBvIjp0cnVlLCJ0eXBlIjoiZ2l0aHViIiwicHJvamVjdHMiOlt7Im5hbWUiOiJhbmFseXRpY3MiLCJyb290RGlyZWN0b3J5IjoiYXBwcy9hbmFseXRpY3Mtd2ViIiwibGl2Z...
jthrilly opened a pull request on complexdatacollective/network-canvas-monorepo
Porting the monorepo over to using biome, and removing eslint and prettierjthrilly pushed 6 commits to main complexdatacollective/network-canvas-monorepo
- update documentation dependencies fc0afc1
- fix ts linting 542387a
- further dependency upgrades 91aea5b
- resolve nonsense with dotenv caused by turning off fallbackNodePolyfills 21a5bf1
- update analytics web dependencies b523011
- Merge pull request #61 from complexdatacollective/upgrade-deps update dependencies 2c1abc6
jthrilly pushed 1 commit to upgrade-deps complexdatacollective/network-canvas-monorepo
- update analytics web dependencies b523011
jthrilly pushed 1 commit to upgrade-deps complexdatacollective/network-canvas-monorepo
- resolve nonsense with dotenv caused by turning off fallbackNodePolyfills 21a5bf1
jthrilly pushed 1 commit to upgrade-deps complexdatacollective/network-canvas-monorepo
- further dependency upgrades 91aea5b
dependabot[bot] deleted a branch complexdatacollective/network-canvas-monorepo
dependabot[bot] deleted a branch complexdatacollective/network-canvas-monorepo
dependabot[bot] deleted a branch complexdatacollective/network-canvas-monorepo
dependabot[bot] deleted a branch complexdatacollective/network-canvas-monorepo