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Goldinium starred anthropics/anthropic-quickstarts
liorq starred anthropics/anthropic-quickstarts
smisaacs starred anthropics/anthropic-quickstarts
anthony-maio starred anthropics/anthropic-quickstarts
nunopinto88 starred anthropics/anthropic-quickstarts
jwalbers starred anthropics/anthropic-quickstarts
juliokozarewicz starred anthropics/anthropic-quickstarts
crisbowler starred anthropics/anthropic-quickstarts
twolffpiggott starred anthropics/anthropic-quickstarts
blakeshao starred anthropics/anthropic-quickstarts
qwel64 starred anthropics/anthropic-quickstarts
stratolark starred anthropics/anthropic-quickstarts
gitkola starred anthropics/anthropic-quickstarts
Leorozco1960 starred anthropics/anthropic-quickstarts
LucasGulick starred anthropics/anthropic-quickstarts
ElenaViewSynthesis starred anthropics/anthropic-quickstarts
phamdinhgiahuy starred anthropics/anthropic-quickstarts
ujjpatel619 starred anthropics/anthropic-quickstarts
tomas-dorda starred anthropics/anthropic-quickstarts
forcetrainer created a comment on an issue on anthropics/anthropic-quickstarts
Ugh - realized that this is due to not being local, and the index.html file uses localhost or for the links, so it won't work. Need to run locally or edit the index.html in the container.

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forcetrainer closed an issue on anthropics/anthropic-quickstarts
[computer-use-demo] Refused to connect in web app
Set this up in Ubuntu using the docker image. No errors of any sort that I can see, and I'm able to connect to the NoVNC session on the system. The web app UI is showing "refused to connect" in bo...
avcohen starred anthropics/anthropic-quickstarts
KennethVA starred anthropics/anthropic-quickstarts
jddunn starred anthropics/anthropic-quickstarts
estevaofon starred anthropics/anthropic-quickstarts
Peymanpic starred anthropics/anthropic-quickstarts
karteek1315 starred anthropics/anthropic-quickstarts
taj-gillin starred anthropics/anthropic-quickstarts
mayneyao starred anthropics/anthropic-quickstarts
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