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dan-zeman created a comment on an issue on UniversalDependencies/UD_Czech-PDT
Update from @mikulova: There is a new attribute `is_extra_dependency=1`, indicating that a node is an orphan attached to its logical grandparent because the parent is missing. We can thus learn bot...
dan-zeman opened an issue on UniversalDependencies/UD_Czech-PDT
Conversion: No ExD in gapping
Another update of the conversion procedure needed (#9). In PDT 3.5, coordination with gapping used `ExD_Co` for orphaned dependents of elided predicates. For example (dev/cmpr9410_019#91): _ukáz...dan-zeman pushed 1 commit to dev UniversalDependencies/UD_Czech-PDT
- Fixed "tj" vs. multiword prepositions. 54eba9f
dan-zeman created a comment on an issue on UniversalDependencies/UD_Czech-PDT
Not all `AuxY` that precede an `AuxP` and are attached to it should be considered part of a multiword preposition. Counterexamples: * _**tj**. na 700 sedadel_ "i.e. about 700 seats" * _**tj**. ...
dan-zeman pushed 1 commit to dev UniversalDependencies/UD_Czech-PDT
- Restored multiword prepositions. 2bde59e
dan-zeman pushed 1 commit to dev UniversalDependencies/UD_Czech-PDT
- Turned of transformations that were only intended for CAC. 8465bd3
dan-zeman opened an issue on UniversalDependencies/UD_Czech-PDT
Conversion of compound prepositions
Various grammaticalized phrases are considered compound prepositions and in UD they are annotated as fixed expressions. For example, the `ADP`-`NOUN`-`ADP` phrase _ve vztahu k_ "in relation to": ...dan-zeman opened an issue on UniversalDependencies/UD_Czech-PDT
Adapt conversion code to PDT-C 2.0 contains the first conversion of PDT from the PDT-C 2.0 release, still using the old conversion...dan-zeman pushed 1 commit to dev UniversalDependencies/UD_Czech-PDT
- Data from PDT-C 2.0 (still the old conversion procedure, must be adapted). d1c374f
dan-zeman pushed 1 commit to dev UniversalDependencies/UD_Czech-PDT
- Switched from PDT-C 1.0 to PDT-C 2.0 (at the moment still taking only the PDT part). 17763bb