Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.
viniciusdeliz pushed 1 commit to dev TechChallenge-BFHRV/k8s-app-infra-azure
- feat: remove sensitive values from da57245
viniciusdeliz pushed 5 commits to main TechChallenge-BFHRV/k8s-app-infra-azure
github-advanced-security[bot] created a review comment on a pull request on TechChallenge-BFHRV/k8s-app-infra-azure
## PostgreSQL database passwords should not be disclosed <!--SONAR_ISSUE_KEY:AZNbu3gHe_HMDZvuJ_dy-->Make sure this PostgreSQL database password gets changed and removed from the code. <p>See more ...
github-advanced-security[bot] created a review on a pull request on TechChallenge-BFHRV/k8s-app-infra-azure
sonarcloud[bot] created a comment on a pull request on TechChallenge-BFHRV/k8s-app-infra-azure
## [![Quality Gate Failed]( 'Quality Gate Failed')](
viniciusdeliz pushed 8 commits to dev TechChallenge-BFHRV/k8s-app-infra-azure
- feat: include redis kubernetes deployment and service 9788ac2
- Merge pull request #3 from TechChallenge-BFHRV/feat/redis feat: include redis kubernetes deployment and service 21ed92a
- Merge pull request #4 from TechChallenge-BFHRV/dev feat: fix vulnerabilities and include terraform env setting in re... cf629a5
- Merge pull request #5 from TechChallenge-BFHRV/dev refactor: include storage and memory requests for postgres-deploy... a821e40
- Merge pull request #6 from TechChallenge-BFHRV/dev feat: specify image version for containers in deployment.yaml 8d22f85
- Merge pull request #7 from TechChallenge-BFHRV/dev Dev fbe1a8a
- Merge branch 'main' into dev 19d0768
- feat: improve sonar cloud security issue in 1258fa6
sonarcloud[bot] created a comment on a pull request on TechChallenge-BFHRV/k8s-app-infra-azure
## [![Quality Gate Failed]( 'Quality Gate Failed')](
viniciusdeliz pushed 3 commits to main TechChallenge-BFHRV/k8s-app-infra-azure
viniciusdeliz pushed 2 commits to dev TechChallenge-BFHRV/k8s-app-infra-azure
sonarcloud[bot] created a comment on a pull request on TechChallenge-BFHRV/k8s-app-infra-azure
## [![Quality Gate Passed]( 'Quality Gate Passed')](
viniciusdeliz closed a pull request on TechChallenge-BFHRV/k8s-app-infra-azure
feat: create terraform.yml
sonarcloud[bot] created a comment on a pull request on TechChallenge-BFHRV/k8s-app-infra-azure
## [![Quality Gate Passed]( 'Quality Gate Passed')](
viniciusdeliz pushed 2 commits to main TechChallenge-BFHRV/k8s-app-infra-azure
viniciusdeliz pushed 1 commit to dev TechChallenge-BFHRV/k8s-app-infra-azure
- feat: specify image version for containers in deployment.yaml 718e478
sonarcloud[bot] created a comment on a pull request on TechChallenge-BFHRV/k8s-app-infra-azure
## [![Quality Gate Passed]( 'Quality Gate Passed')](
viniciusdeliz pushed 2 commits to main TechChallenge-BFHRV/k8s-app-infra-azure
viniciusdeliz closed a pull request on TechChallenge-BFHRV/k8s-app-infra-azure
refactor: include storage and memory requests for postgres-deployment…
….yamlviniciusdeliz opened a pull request on TechChallenge-BFHRV/k8s-app-infra-azure
refactor: include storage and memory requests for postgres-deployment…
….yamlviniciusdeliz pushed 1 commit to dev TechChallenge-BFHRV/k8s-app-infra-azure
- refactor: include storage and memory requests for postgres-deployment.yaml 1366b25