
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


Idba1 pushed 36 commits to moniraIslam NaimoonJannat/Auraloom-hexaDevs
  • Merge pull request #217 from NaimoonJannat/main Syncing jannatul-ferdous-mirza with main 0237943
  • Merge branch 'main' of into jannatul-ferdous-mirza b68090b
  • Merge branch 'Development' of into jannatul-ferdous-mirza cd275a7
  • Player route speed fixed beaa960
  • add podcast error solved 5e255eb
  • Merge pull request #230 from NaimoonJannat/Prapti Prapti d6177d2
  • useeffect fixed bba3c45
  • Merge branch 'Development' of into Prapti 8b6f56c
  • add podcast fixed again 27640a6
  • creator dashboard responsive done d6c0db6
  • margin fixed fa82056
  • sidebar fixed a3621a0
  • Merge branch 'Development' of into jannatul-ferdous-mirza 698fc17
  • color fixed 6efcf53
  • Merge pull request #232 from NaimoonJannat/Raisa useeffect fixed 1fec512
  • Merge pull request #233 from NaimoonJannat/moniraIslam update user dashboard sidebar nav 1110b6f
  • My podcasts fixed 18a1776
  • Merge branch 'Development' of into Prapti a207d51
  • fixed pagination and search for podcast directory 86f4353
  • Merge pull request #234 from NaimoonJannat/main New Changes d32d6e6
  • and 16 more ...

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vercel[bot] created a comment on a pull request on NaimoonJannat/Auraloom-hexaDevs
[vc]: #Tm5feViK/2Nw+0TRMswuhGg85/69I1wVNTLsfGhx9v8=:eyJpc01vbm9yZXBvIjp0cnVlLCJ0eXBlIjoiZ2l0aHViIiwicHJvamVjdHMiOlt7Im5hbWUiOiJhdXJhbG9vbS1oZXhhLWRldnMiLCJsaXZlRmVlZGJhY2siOnsicmVzb2x2ZWQiOjAsInVuc...

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MiM1303 pushed 1 commit to jannatul-ferdous-mirza NaimoonJannat/Auraloom-hexaDevs
  • suspense boundary error for useSearchParams for navbar 5a2173a

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MiM1303 pushed 1 commit to jannatul-ferdous-mirza NaimoonJannat/Auraloom-hexaDevs
  • fixed UI in podcast directory b48481f

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vercel[bot] created a comment on a pull request on NaimoonJannat/Auraloom-hexaDevs
[vc]: #oSe7ya0mWAkBTxR2O9tX6594EEnhggEKWD162Fj/9SU=:eyJpc01vbm9yZXBvIjp0cnVlLCJ0eXBlIjoiZ2l0aHViIiwicHJvamVjdHMiOlt7Im5hbWUiOiJhdXJhbG9vbS1oZXhhLWRldnMiLCJsaXZlRmVlZGJhY2siOnsicmVzb2x2ZWQiOjAsInVuc...

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NaimoonJannat opened a pull request on NaimoonJannat/Auraloom-hexaDevs
NaimoonJannat pushed 7 commits to Development NaimoonJannat/Auraloom-hexaDevs
  • Merge branch 'Development' of into Prapti 8b6f56c
  • Merge branch 'Development' of into Prapti a207d51
  • Merge branch 'Development' of into Prapti 7715a66
  • Add podcast fixed f4c1064
  • layout error solved a5cfe30
  • Clientlayout error solved 86099e8
  • Merge pull request #240 from NaimoonJannat/Prapti Prapti c37643d

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NaimoonJannat pushed 4 commits to Prapti NaimoonJannat/Auraloom-hexaDevs
  • Clientlayout error solved 71ad363
  • Merge branch 'Development' of into Development 92ae8a0
  • Add podcast fixed 4395307
  • Clientlayout error solved 86099e8

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NaimoonJannat pushed 1 commit to Development NaimoonJannat/Auraloom-hexaDevs

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NaimoonJannat pushed 2 commits to Development NaimoonJannat/Auraloom-hexaDevs
  • Clientlayout error solved 71ad363
  • Merge branch 'Development' of into Development 92ae8a0

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vercel[bot] created a comment on a pull request on NaimoonJannat/Auraloom-hexaDevs
[vc]: #ME4CeKsYbEKtZ2T6MDk4FSfZVLYaar1l2KTi2kNjaBg=:eyJpc01vbm9yZXBvIjp0cnVlLCJ0eXBlIjoiZ2l0aHViIiwicHJvamVjdHMiOlt7Im5hbWUiOiJhdXJhbG9vbS1oZXhhLWRldnMiLCJsaXZlRmVlZGJhY2siOnsicmVzb2x2ZWQiOjAsInVuc...

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NaimoonJannat opened a pull request on NaimoonJannat/Auraloom-hexaDevs
NaimoonJannat closed a pull request on NaimoonJannat/Auraloom-hexaDevs
vercel[bot] created a comment on a pull request on NaimoonJannat/Auraloom-hexaDevs
[vc]: #TppL8OI/5MYw9Faj89yMbtZCGQN5AA0gN8no+r5+44E=:eyJpc01vbm9yZXBvIjp0cnVlLCJ0eXBlIjoiZ2l0aHViIiwicHJvamVjdHMiOlt7Im5hbWUiOiJhdXJhbG9vbS1oZXhhLWRldnMiLCJsaXZlRmVlZGJhY2siOnsicmVzb2x2ZWQiOjAsInVuc...

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NaimoonJannat opened a pull request on NaimoonJannat/Auraloom-hexaDevs
NaimoonJannat pushed 28 commits to Prapti NaimoonJannat/Auraloom-hexaDevs
  • Merge pull request #217 from NaimoonJannat/main Syncing jannatul-ferdous-mirza with main 0237943
  • Merge branch 'main' of into jannatul-ferdous-mirza b68090b
  • Merge branch 'Development' of into jannatul-ferdous-mirza cd275a7
  • Merge pull request #230 from NaimoonJannat/Prapti Prapti d6177d2
  • useeffect fixed bba3c45
  • add podcast fixed again 27640a6
  • creator dashboard responsive done d6c0db6
  • margin fixed fa82056
  • sidebar fixed a3621a0
  • Merge branch 'Development' of into jannatul-ferdous-mirza 698fc17
  • update user dashboard sidebar nav 6df833a
  • color fixed 6efcf53
  • update layout for hide nav and footer for dashboard c838200
  • Merge pull request #232 from NaimoonJannat/Raisa useeffect fixed 1fec512
  • Merge pull request #233 from NaimoonJannat/moniraIslam update user dashboard sidebar nav 1110b6f
  • My podcasts fixed 18a1776
  • Merge branch 'Development' of into Prapti a207d51
  • fixed pagination and search for podcast directory 86f4353
  • Merge pull request #234 from NaimoonJannat/main New Changes d32d6e6
  • fixed search functionality from navbar 17ef193
  • and 8 more ...

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Mahbub049 pushed 2 commits to Development NaimoonJannat/Auraloom-hexaDevs
  • error fixed for the localstorage problem 10ba46f
  • Merge pull request #238 from NaimoonJannat/Mahbub error fixed for the localstorage problem a8f84d8

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vercel[bot] created a comment on a pull request on NaimoonJannat/Auraloom-hexaDevs
[vc]: #nl8cMATL1SxQdIXQtc688PuaQTQwBmaAINs1XVx2gLk=:eyJpc01vbm9yZXBvIjp0cnVlLCJ0eXBlIjoiZ2l0aHViIiwicHJvamVjdHMiOlt7Im5hbWUiOiJhdXJhbG9vbS1oZXhhLWRldnMiLCJpbnNwZWN0b3JVcmwiOiJodHRwczovL3ZlcmNlbC5jb...

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Mahbub049 pushed 1 commit to Mahbub NaimoonJannat/Auraloom-hexaDevs
  • error fixed for the localstorage problem 10ba46f

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Mahbub049 pushed 7 commits to Development NaimoonJannat/Auraloom-hexaDevs
  • Player route speed fixed beaa960
  • add podcast error solved 5e255eb
  • Merge pull request #230 from NaimoonJannat/Prapti Prapti d6177d2
  • Merge pull request #234 from NaimoonJannat/main New Changes d32d6e6
  • error fixed for the localstorage problem fc173fb
  • Merge branch 'Development' into Mahbub d97227e
  • Merge pull request #236 from NaimoonJannat/Mahbub Problem Solved of Theme 6725509

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Mahbub049 closed a pull request on NaimoonJannat/Auraloom-hexaDevs
Problem Solved of Theme
Mahbub049 reopened a pull request on NaimoonJannat/Auraloom-hexaDevs
Problem Solved of Theme
Mahbub049 closed a pull request on NaimoonJannat/Auraloom-hexaDevs
Problem Solved of Theme
NaimoonJannat closed a pull request on NaimoonJannat/Auraloom-hexaDevs
NaimoonJannat pushed 41 commits to Mahbub NaimoonJannat/Auraloom-hexaDevs
  • Merge pull request #217 from NaimoonJannat/main Syncing jannatul-ferdous-mirza with main 0237943
  • Merge branch 'main' of into jannatul-ferdous-mirza b68090b
  • Merge branch 'Development' of into jannatul-ferdous-mirza cd275a7
  • Merge branch 'Development' of into sayeed ed3565d
  • useeffect for email filtering 5e1030f
  • updated c1a13b1
  • fixing 7fc9a3e
  • getdata function called f606325
  • fixed ff69b01
  • top-content updated with four cards bc85a53
  • Merge branch 'Development' into sayeed f384f7e
  • Merge pull request #229 from NaimoonJannat/sayeed Sayeed a3f9fe4
  • Merge branch 'Development' of into Raisa 05e3302
  • my podcasts ui fixed 8ba9230
  • fixing add podcast ui 46ff487
  • fixing creator dashboard ui 4cb8cbc
  • creator dashboard sidebar fixing 01ef089
  • fixing the gaps e567132
  • fixing the unnecessary divs 29b3d20
  • typewriter updated 42ffd16
  • and 21 more ...

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vercel[bot] created a comment on a pull request on NaimoonJannat/Auraloom-hexaDevs
[vc]: #jyfmvws4sf6KgqF2qXSiz3Zm0dBn6SbQg0APWbZ/seg=:eyJpc01vbm9yZXBvIjp0cnVlLCJ0eXBlIjoiZ2l0aHViIiwicHJvamVjdHMiOlt7Im5hbWUiOiJhdXJhbG9vbS1oZXhhLWRldnMiLCJsaXZlRmVlZGJhY2siOnsicmVzb2x2ZWQiOjAsInVuc...

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Mahbub049 opened a pull request on NaimoonJannat/Auraloom-hexaDevs
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