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BrianSok1 pushed 1 commit to Team_2Checkpoint_2.0 ChristinaWright05/Fall-2024-Group-2
- Service Alert Added another chart showing the service alerts and the transportation type. (gui_mode_name). Also adde... 90327b4
ChristinaWright05 opened an issue on ChristinaWright05/Fall-2024-Group-2
Final Project R Markdown
Compile final analytics story through an R markdown fileryankantor pushed 1 commit to Team_2Checkpoint_2.0 ChristinaWright05/Fall-2024-Group-2
- Create Subway Lines 5bef77a
ChristinaWright05 opened an issue on ChristinaWright05/Fall-2024-Group-2
Final Project Presentation
Present and record our final project slide deckChristinaWright05 opened an issue on ChristinaWright05/Fall-2024-Group-2
Final Project Slide Deck
Compile all insights & takeaways into a final write-up and slide deck to shareChristinaWright05 opened an issue on ChristinaWright05/Fall-2024-Group-2
Key Insights Summary
For our final project we will want to provide a summary of the key insights of our data For checkpoint 2, we will start to compile this on our fileChristinaWright05 opened an issue on ChristinaWright05/Fall-2024-Group-2
Exploratory Data Analysis in Tableau
For checkpoint 2, we will begin working on Tableau dashboards and collaborate on them over tableau publicChristinaWright05 opened an issue on ChristinaWright05/Fall-2024-Group-2
Exploratory Data Analysis in R
For checkpoint 1, all group members had created at least one visual in R markdown For checkpoint 2, we will work to consolidate these and generate clear insightsChristinaWright05 pushed 4 commits to main ChristinaWright05/Fall-2024-Group-2
ChristinaWright05 closed a pull request on ChristinaWright05/Fall-2024-Group-2
Team 2 checkpoint 2.0
ChristinaWright05 closed an issue on ChristinaWright05/Fall-2024-Group-2
Finalize Datasets
Clean & filter datasets for use in our R markdown files and Tableau workbooks 1. Monthly ridership numbers by subway line 2. Monthly alerts with average severity by subway line 3. Merged dataset w...ChristinaWright05 opened an issue on ChristinaWright05/Fall-2024-Group-2
Finalize Datasets
Clean & filter datasets for use in our R markdown files and Tableau workbooks 1. Monthly ridership numbers by subway line 2. Monthly alerts with average severity by subway line 3. Merged dataset w...ChristinaWright05 pushed 1 commit to Team_2Checkpoint_2.0 ChristinaWright05/Fall-2024-Group-2
- Cleaned Datasets & R code Adding cleaned & filtered data sets plus the R code for them into the checkpoint 2 branch ecf1dc9
AngeloNicolosiJr pushed 1 commit to Team_2Checkpoint_2.0 ChristinaWright05/Fall-2024-Group-2
- Create LocationAndTimeAnalysis 77a3f5f
AngeloNicolosiJr pushed 1 commit to Team_2Checkpoint_2.0 ChristinaWright05/Fall-2024-Group-2
- Delete Location:TimeAnalysis.twb a1d2f87
AngeloNicolosiJr pushed 1 commit to main ChristinaWright05/Fall-2024-Group-2
- Delete Location:TimeAnalysis.twb 46bad35
AngeloNicolosiJr pushed 2 commits to main ChristinaWright05/Fall-2024-Group-2
AngeloNicolosiJr closed a pull request on ChristinaWright05/Fall-2024-Group-2
Create Location:TimeAnalysis.twb
AngeloNicolosiJr opened a pull request on ChristinaWright05/Fall-2024-Group-2
Create Location:TimeAnalysis.twb
AngeloNicolosiJr pushed 1 commit to Team_2Checkpoint_2.0 ChristinaWright05/Fall-2024-Group-2
- Create Location:TimeAnalysis.twb 9e7b590
AngeloNicolosiJr created a branch on ChristinaWright05/Fall-2024-Group-2
Team_2Checkpoint_2.0 - Repository for Fall 2024 Software Tools for Data Analysis Group Project
ChristinaWright05 pushed 1 commit to Team_2Checkpoint_1.0 ChristinaWright05/Fall-2024-Group-2
- Update 1c959f4
AngeloNicolosiJr pushed 2 commits to Team_2Checkpoint_1.0 ChristinaWright05/Fall-2024-Group-2
AngeloNicolosiJr pushed 1 commit to Team_2Checkpoint_1.0 ChristinaWright05/Fall-2024-Group-2
- Delete Alerts.R 4b8076c
AngeloNicolosiJr commented on a commit on ChristinaWright05/Fall-2024-Group-2
I apologize. I had two R files open and accidentally uploaded a totally non unrelated R file. Will fix with new push.
AngeloNicolosiJr pushed 1 commit to Team_2Checkpoint_1.0 ChristinaWright05/Fall-2024-Group-2
- Update ALERTSMARKDOWN.Rmd b89ad33
AngeloNicolosiJr pushed 2 commits to Team_2Checkpoint_1.0 ChristinaWright05/Fall-2024-Group-2
ryankantor pushed 1 commit to Team_2Checkpoint_1.0 ChristinaWright05/Fall-2024-Group-2
- Update 7be4926
AngeloNicolosiJr pushed 1 commit to Team_2Checkpoint_1.0 ChristinaWright05/Fall-2024-Group-2
- Create ALERTSMARKDOWN.Rmd 52ff062