
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


duebbers created a tag on ASD-GmbH/P-PLUS_DM7_Integration - Shared language for both systems to interact and interchange information

duebbers deleted a tag ASD-GmbH/P-PLUS_DM7_Integration


duebbers pushed 1 commit to master ASD-GmbH/P-PLUS_DM7_Integration
  • fix: Verbindung wird nicht direkt verworfen --> Benachrichtigungs-Events von PPLUS an DM7 wieder möglich bf1cc58

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duebbers created a tag on ASD-GmbH/P-PLUS_DM7_Integration

0.16.4 - Shared language for both systems to interact and interchange information

duebbers pushed 1 commit to master ASD-GmbH/P-PLUS_DM7_Integration
  • fix: Verbindung wird nicht direkt verworfen --> Benachrichtigungs-Events von PPLUS an DM7 wieder möglich 4609b5b

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