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atanvarno69 created a branch on atanvarno69/atan-nuclear-science
schall - Factorio mod. Adds nuclear science as Nauvis's science pack.
JarredAllen created a review comment on a pull request on atanvarno69/atan-nuclear-science
Credited myself
JarredAllen created a review comment on a pull request on atanvarno69/atan-nuclear-science
Yeah, I agree with that assessment and made the body a little taller
atanvarno69 created a tag on atanvarno69/atan-nuclear-science
0.3.3 - Factorio mod. Adds nuclear science as Nauvis's science pack.
atanvarno69 pushed 2 commits to main atanvarno69/atan-nuclear-science
- feat(technology): Initial infinite technology draft Signed-off-by: atanvarno <[email protected]> 6deb972
- fix(compatibility): [PlutoniumEnergy] technology Fixes: * nuclear science pack from plutonium recipe unlocked by pl... 80bbaf0
atanvarno69 created a review comment on a pull request on atanvarno69/atan-nuclear-science
Just checked the base game code to see what the `util.technology_icon_constant_recipe_productivity` function does. That's really useful and I didn't know about it :)
atanvarno69 created a review comment on a pull request on atanvarno69/atan-nuclear-science
The magazines look good to me. On the cannon shells: I think the vanilla icons have a taller body and shorter pointed nose. Hardly a deal breaker, thought.
atanvarno69 created a review comment on a pull request on atanvarno69/atan-nuclear-science
This makes sense since we're splitting the techs. On that point, I'll leave the PR open until you tell me you're happy with all the technology prototypes / icons.
atanvarno69 created a review comment on a pull request on atanvarno69/atan-nuclear-science
Can you also edit, at the end put how you'd like to be credited for the art. Don't worry about the the rest of the files. I'll sort out everything before release. So long as src/protot...
atanvarno69 created a review on a pull request on atanvarno69/atan-nuclear-science
(Marking as "request changes" till you tell me you're happy with all the icons.)
atanvarno69 created a review on a pull request on atanvarno69/atan-nuclear-science
(Marking as "request changes" till you tell me you're happy with all the icons.)
atanvarno69 created a comment on a pull request on atanvarno69/atan-nuclear-science
> I also don't have any experience with modding, so I did my best to copy how the game itself stores sprites, and it seems like the sprites render correctly from a quick play-test, but I haven't lo...
JarredAllen opened a pull request on atanvarno69/atan-nuclear-science
Physical ammunition productivity
Towards #3 (and with the discussion about splitting it into pieces), here's an image for a "physical ammunition productivity" technology. I still have the full blender scene, so I can easily make c...JarredAllen created a comment on an issue on atanvarno69/atan-nuclear-science
Looking at it, and reading your comment, I agree that it feels weird to have them all in one thing. I think splitting it into separate physical/explosive/railgun techs (categorized like the damage ...
atanvarno69 created a comment on an issue on atanvarno69/atan-nuclear-science
I've made the branch infinite for this. Have a look at the technology definitions in it -- feel free to amend them. It's your idea and concept. Also, I'm not entirely sure how to make the modifie...
atanvarno69 created a branch on atanvarno69/atan-nuclear-science
infinite - Factorio mod. Adds nuclear science as Nauvis's science pack.
atanvarno69 created a comment on an issue on atanvarno69/atan-nuclear-science
Updated in 0.3.2.
atanvarno69 closed an issue on atanvarno69/atan-nuclear-science
Update sprites of science pack
The creator of Space Age science packs has updated the graphics of the logistic science pack to remove a squiggly line that exists in the technology icon while also tweaking colors to better match ...atanvarno69 pushed 1 commit to main atanvarno69/atan-nuclear-science
- chore(todo): Update TODO Signed-off-by: atanvarno <[email protected]> ba89134
atanvarno69 pushed 8 commits to main atanvarno69/atan-nuclear-science
- fix(entity): Fix `max_sounds_per_prototype` property name Signed-off-by: atanvarno <[email protected]> 4d84371
- feat(entity): Reduce atom forge working sounds volume Signed-off-by: atanvarno <[email protected]> 2e93a6e
- fix(graphics): Remove nuclear science pack technology icon squiggle Signed-off-by: atanvarno <[email protected]> f0ff27f
- feat(entity): Move atom forge graphics up by half a tile Signed-off-by: atanvarno <[email protected]> 4b17c3f
- feat(item): Change atom forge stack size to 10 and rocket capacity to 1 Signed-off-by: atanvarno <[email protected]> d77a1e8
- feat(item): Centrifgue rocket capacity to 10 Signed-off-by: atanvarno <[email protected]> b80c024
- docs(graphics): Atom forge and centrigue gallery images Signed-off-by: atanvarno <[email protected]> 7775f2b
- chore(todo): Update TODO Signed-off-by: atanvarno <[email protected]> 52a8a51
atanvarno69 pushed 1 commit to main atanvarno69/atan-nuclear-science
- chore: Update TODO Signed-off-by: atanvarno <[email protected]> ac66245
atanvarno69 pushed 1 commit to main atanvarno69/atan-nuclear-science
- chore: Update TODO Signed-off-by: atanvarno <[email protected]> 02416fd
JarredAllen created a comment on an issue on atanvarno69/atan-nuclear-science
The productivity research icons are probably among the easiest to make, since the icons are typically just a stack of what it impacts (and a small icon, but afaict the game adds the icon on top of ...
atanvarno69 created a tag on atanvarno69/atan-nuclear-science
0.3.1 - Factorio mod. Adds nuclear science as Nauvis's science pack.